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Now what did I get myself into

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Sun May 20, 2012 1:59 pm

Luna sits up rubbing her head. "Alright, I don't ever want to do that again." she says but that was before she opened her eyes and looked around. Then she rubs her eyes and looks again though it didn't change anything. She was still seeing gaint building blocks, toys growing on trees, a multi-colored ground and baskets everywhere with all sorts of little creatures like Cocomon. "Now where am I?" she says. "We're in Primary Village. This is where most digimon start their life." Cocomon says hopping into Luna's lap "There's all sorts of baby digimon as you can see." "So then what were you doing in my world?" Luna asks. "Well you see, I kinda got lost." Cocomon says with a nervous chuckle. Luna slaps her hand to her face "I just had to ask." she mumbles. With a sigh she stands up holding Cocomon figuring anything was better then sitting around doing nothing

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Sun May 20, 2012 10:43 pm

Elecmon was just finishing talking to someone on a strange looking TV, when he senced that someone is in the vilage lands. He rushed to see who that is, and he saw a girl with Cocomon.
"Ughm... Welcome to the Digital World yound lady. You are little late, others came a long time before you...*dramatic pause*.. Well anyway, I'm Elecmon, the keeper of Primary Vilage. It's nice to meet you.." sadi Elecmon waiting for girl to respond.
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Mon May 21, 2012 4:25 am

"Ok am I really seeing a talking red and purple porcupine?" Luna asks Cocomon. "No silly, that's a Elecmon. He's a digimon like me." Cocomon laughs. "But he's alot bigger" Luna says. "Because he's a child level and I'm only baby. There's six normal levels of digimon. Hopefully I'll get big and strong soon." Cocomon says jumping onto Luna's head. "What did I get myself into saving you" Luna groans thinking of just laying down and hoping this was all a dream

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Mon May 21, 2012 6:06 pm

Elecmon watched the girl for a while and he sat down next to her "You can consider yourself as a hero Luna. One day you'll see. Now, sitting here and thinking that this is just a drem wont help you." said Elecmon wathing in the sky. "Well are you ready to face you'r destiny?" added he on the end.
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Mon May 21, 2012 6:13 pm

Just then Luna's stomach growled. "Does my destiny include dinner? With all the running around and trying to avoid getting caught I didn't get to eat today." Luna asks scratching the back of her head turning pink being slightly embarrassed. "Your funny" Cocomon laughs hopping up and down on Luna's head

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Mon May 21, 2012 6:22 pm

Elecmon made silly face "Why.. yes.. But I'm afraid that dinner isn't finished yet." "- "Say.. I have a quest fot you, you can do it while the dinner is making. Other kids are on their quests. In Native Forest's river there's a old friend of my. Can you pay him a visit and bring the package to me?" asked Elecmon nicely and almost cuddly.
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Mon May 21, 2012 6:28 pm

"Why do I think if I say yes I'm going to end up running for m life?" Luna says. "Oh comeon, the forest is great. You'll see. We say yes yes yes!" Cocomon says not giving Luna much of a choice in the matter. "Guess that was decided for me." Luna says catching hold of Cocomon who had been hopping on her head like crazy

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Mon May 21, 2012 6:31 pm

"Excellent! Ok the forest it this way." said Elecmon pointing to te north "Make sure to protect eachother, ok? And come back safely." said Elecmon and walked away to bring some digieggs in order.
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Mon May 21, 2012 8:06 pm

"Cocomon what did you get us into?" Luna sighs and starts walking the way elecmon pointed. "Adventure!" Cocomon cheers hopping out of Luna's arms and taking the lead. "HEY! Wait for me!" Luna says having to run to keep up with the baby digimon. "How can a bouncing head be so fast" Luna asks herself traying to keep up and having a hard time of it

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:32 pm

Elecmon was just putting the babies to sleep, when he saw someone's entering the village. He strained his eyes to see who is it.. "Oh its Gallantmon with Luna and Chocomon... Hey over here!" said Elecmon waving his hands.
Gallantmon landed and squatted in order to help Luna and chocomon to get off.

"Thank goodness you are all right!" said Elecmon "Did you brought the digilator?"
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:35 pm

"The digiawhat?" Luna says. "The thing Pandamon gave you and you stuck in your pocket." Chocomon sighs. "Oh" Luna says fishing the little thing out of her pocket. "I don't get what the big fuss is over a fancy building block." Luna says handing it to Elecmon

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:41 pm

Elecmon takes the digilator "This is the digilator, a small gadget which can destroy bouth the human and the digital world. E.D.O which is short for Evil Digimon Organisation are trying in ages to reach this thing. Now when it's in Primary Village they won't be a threat anymore. You did well Luna, and of course you Chocomon. Now go to sleep you need to rest. Tomorrow a big day awaits you two." said Elecmon and went to his house.
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:43 pm

"What happened to 'dinner will be ready when you get back'. I'm still starving" Luna says and her stomach growls seeming to back her up. "I'm kinda hungry now too." Chocomon says bouncing up into Luna's arms once more

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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by Takashi Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:49 pm

~Theres only cicadas singing in the background~
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Now what did I get myself into Empty Re: Now what did I get myself into

Post by LunarStorm Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:53 pm

"That cheapskate. All we did, nearly becoming spider food and he doesn't even give us dinner like he said he would." Luna grumbles sitting down with Chocomon

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