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The Search For Botamon

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The Search For Botamon Empty The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:03 pm

Lyra Blackwell at the age of seven had just been pulled through her keychain toy via the strange vortex. She had fainted upon entering the vortex as the pressure had just knocked it out of her. She didn't know but her body had aged 8 years since she was pulled through. 

She awoke fully clothed, her hair cropped up shorter in the back than it was in the front. She shifted, now waking up to this new world and new body.

Her emerald eyes open to the greenery surrounding her. She shifted, pulling her arm under herself to push up. She got into a sitting position before rubbing her head and glancing around. It was strange around her. She had never seen anything like it before, and it appeared that she was alone. " Where am I?" She asked herself, confused.

"The digital world," a small voice said. Either she was going crazy, or she wasn't alone at all. " But don't be afraid," the voice continued, " I'm here to protect you!" And said at last, a small figure jumping from the bushes. It looked oddly familiar to Lyra, like she'd see it before, not all that long ago.

"Koko?!" Lyra exclaimed in sudden realization. " Could it really be you?" She questioned aloud, now truly wondering about her own sanity. Koko the Conomon was her only real friend, which was sad to say since she was merely a digital program. However, whether this was reality or not, Lyra was happy to see her.

"Yes Lyra, it's me," Koko reassured. " We became friends when you hatched me, and now I'm here to help you!" The small creature looked around, then back up to Lyra and smiled. " We should go look for others now," Koko said , jumping up at Lyra, who quickly caught her.

"Others?" Lyra asked, rather confused about what she meant. "Others like you, or others like me?" Lyra continued. She wanted to know more about this. 

"Both!" Kokomon said enthusiastically. " There are the funny ones like you, who are over in Primary Village. Then there are the ones like me who have special powers and help the funny ones. We need to find them so that we can help them and they can help us!"

"What do you mean?!" Lyra asked in a rather paranoid voice. She glanced down at her body in sudden realization. She now noticed the new clothes, the breasts, the long legs. She had gone from a child to a near woman in a matter of moments! She didn't know what happened but seeing as her Digimon, Conomon was here, it wasn't the strangest thing that had happened today. 'Maybe this is all just a dream,' Lyra thought, almost disappointed at it.

The creature shook its head, "I know what you're thinking Lyra, but this isn't a dream. That doesn't really mean that it's real either though. You see, you're in the digital world now. It's different from your world but it's real to us. Now come on, let's go find the others," Koko said. The small creature jumped from Lyra's arms and sniffed around before bouncing off in one direction. "Come on, this way!"

Ignoring her instincts Lyra stood up and glanced round. She took a moment and looked at her new clothing. She appeared to be wearing jean cut shorts, with a large leather and metal rings belt along with what appeared to be a deerskin tube top. She had on soft brown boots with metal rings clasped around her ankles, and leather straps holding up the boots. She had similar metal rings like large bangles around her wrists. Her longer hair that was framing her face had been bunched into small beaded bands that held him like loosely hanging ponytails upfront. The back of her hair was cropped rather short to where if she only has some styling gel she might've been able to spike some of it up. She also had a strange choker necklace with a pendant on it. She decided that all in all she didn't look too bad.

"Coming!" Lyra called to Kokomon. She quickly ran after her small partner who lead them toward where the others were coming from...
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:25 pm

Takashi continued to run all the way fom the village "So this is the Native Forest? It doesn't seem scary at all." sad Takashi while running and bumped on the girl infront of him. "What the.. Oh I'm sorry, I didnt seen you because i was running. I'm Takashi and this is Zane." said Takashi
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:28 pm

"Hey" Zane said, Pururumon headbutting him lightly, "Oh sorry this is Pururumon" Zane then remembered something "wait have you seen a small digimon around here called Botamon?" his eyes filled with hope as he asked the question.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:37 pm

Lyra had rushed, feet pounding against the ground as she attempted to keep up with the surprisingly quick Conomon. She was going so fast, she had no time to react when she crossed paths with a boy, the two colliding. Lyra stumbled backward, falling to her rear. She rubbed her head, Koko popping out from a nearby bush and scurrying over to her. Lyra opened her eyes to see her partner, then looked up to the two strangers.

Lyra stood, Koko jumping to the ground as she dusted the dirt from her knees and shorts. "Umm...what?" Lyra asked, still more than confused. She had just been a little girl not long ago, and her head was reeling. "S...sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even really know where I am to be honest," she started. Koko cleared her throat, gaining Lyra's attention. "Oh, well I mean I know I'm in the Digital World, but otherwise...I actually think I might be lost..." she said, looking between the two then down to Koko.

Koko sighed, hopping up to land on Lyra's head. "Sorry, she's new at this. I'm Koko, a Conomon, and this is Lyra. I haven't seen any botamon though, so I do apologize. Maybe we can help you find him though!" Koko offered, smiling meekly at the boys and their Digimon.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:44 pm

"Sure we could use all the help we can get." said Takashi "Poyo-poyo" confirmed poyomon jumping on his head. Ok lets continue our search.
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:46 pm

Zane ran forwards to the front and began calling out "Botamon you out here?" climbing a tree and leaping from to another he searched for Botamon noticing something far in the distance "I see something ahead!" Zane called to the others leaping down and running towards what he saw.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Rainbow Dash Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:50 pm

Srenity kept her glaze on the small digimon from the tree she was hiding in. She covered her mouth and tried her best not to gigle and crack up at the site. Her own partner, that she was trying to lose just wouldn't give up, despte being pranked and sorts. Pafumon, as Serenity came to call it after it insisted several times. Serenity heard people and went stiff to watch. Pafumon didn't move, clearly being the digimon they spotted.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:00 pm

Lyra was a little off put by the overly zealous boys. They were both seemingly high strung, which was about the exact opposite of Lyra's calm and collected personality. However, Koko had gotten her into this, and so began to follow the boys, though a few paces behind. When one shouted there was something ahead, Lyra jogged forward to see the adorable fresh Digimon come into sight.

"Is that the 'Botamon' they're looking for?" Lyra asked the small Digimon atop her head. She felt the digimon shake her head, which was consequently her entire body.

"That's definitely not a Botamon, but it's still a fresh Digimon. That means it either wandered from Primary Village too, or there is another human nearby." Koko said, sounding rather mature and intelligent for her size and age.

"Oh..." Lyra said, walking forward regardless. She approached the strange Digimon, with the intent of asking which of Koko's scenario was right, and if it had seen the so called 'Botamon' they were searching for.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Tue May 01, 2012 9:27 am

Takashi ran along with his poyomon to Zane "Hey that is Botamon, im sure of it. Its underneath that big tree there." said Takashi when he saw Lyra nad her Conomon looking at something. "Hey Lyra, whats up?" shouted he..
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Rainbow Dash Tue May 01, 2012 8:45 pm

The small Pafumon looked up. "Oh, hello. I have a question, have you seen something like the thing you're riding on, except wearing blue stuff with a rainbow?", he asked Conomon.

Serenity looked down from her tree, covering her mouth and hugging the branch.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Tue May 01, 2012 8:53 pm

Lyra halted quickly, bringing her hand up to her chest. She hadn't expected the small thing to start talking before she had. Then again, Conomon wasn't exactly the most quiet either. However, listening to the Pafumon's words, Lyra was a little put off. She huffed a bit, holding her fists at her waist.

"Now wait just a minute-" Lyra started, before feeling Koko again shake her head. Lyra grew silent as she watched Koko hop down from her perch, landing in front of the Pafumon, turning back to Lyra momentarily.

"This is a Pafumon, not a Botamon," she said, now having gotten a better look at the creature. She turned back to Pafumon before continuing. "I think you mean a 'human', and Lyra is not a thing. But no, I haven't seen one with a rainbow, only a couple ones looking for a Botamon," Koko said. She quickly looked around in a circle, then back to Lyra. "Lyra...can humans climb trees or breathe under water?"

Lyra blinked a few times silently, she couldn't believe these two. "Umm...we can't breathe under water...but some of us can climb trees," she said, hearing Zane's voice. She partially turned her head, calling back, "Just a Pafumon!" She turned back to the conversation at hand. "Well we haven't seen your rainbow person, but have you seen something called a 'Botamon'? We're looking for one."
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Tue May 01, 2012 11:11 pm

Takashi was down with Zane, and they saw botamon all the way down to the lake. "Oh i remember, i got binoculars in my bag." said Takashi and took his binoculars and with them he saw botamon runing and dodging fire flames [and crying]. "Oh no, Botamon is in danger. We better hurry up." added takashi and he saw Lyra and her Conomon talking to new digimon. "Come on you guys! Botamon is in danger!" shouted Takashi.
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 12:00 am

Serenity launched herself from the tree. "That little puff won't give up now, will it?", she complained, having forgotton about the others. "So, you say there's something in trouble?", she asked, not even waiting for an answer as she grabbed the Pafumon, shoving it into her jacket's pocket and taking off towards the lake.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 12:08 am

Lyra stumbled back a few feet, startled by the girl who jumped from the tree. She hadn't seen her before, but judging by the rainbow hair it was the girl Pafumon was searching for. Her suspicion was quickly justified as the girl shoved the small fresh Digimon into her pocket and took off to the lake where the boys were headed. 

Blinking a few times, Lyra saw Conomon hopping along in front of her. The small Digimon spun around for a moment to look at Lyra while still bouncing. "Come on, Lyra! We have to go help too!" Koko said, a little on edge before she began bounding off toward the others.

Lyra stared silently for a moment or two. She wasn't exactly sure what just happened, but that wasn't the first time she'd felt that way today. So, she began running after Koko and the others, "Right, coming!" she called, rushing to their aid.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 12:18 am

When Takashi and other came to the lake that saw Botamon being attacked by little dinosaur digimon.


"Oh no, that agumon's attacking poor botamon. We gotta do something poyomon! Go and help him." oredered Takashi. "Right!" said poyomon

"Bubble Blow" said poyomon and launched bubbles at Agumon.
"What the hell?" said Agumon and he was astonished.
"Somemone quick pick up botamon!" said takashi
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 12:23 am

Serenity dashed foward, grabbing the black digimon botamon while Agumon was distracted. She kept her eyes on the prize and carried the Botamon like it was a football. She was running as fast as she could to get out of there. When she reached them se slammed botamon into the ground on accident.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 12:31 am

Lyra was about to rush over to the small black Digimon, when the mysterious rainbow girl dashed out in front of her. She paused for a moment, not knowing what to do as she just stared at what was going on.  Koko jumped up and down, gaining Lyra's attention once more. "Lyra, we have to help too!" she called, bouncing madly. Lyra nodded slowly, looking at the dinosaur looking creature. "Right, Acid Bubbles!" Koko called, rushing into the battle with Poyomon, shooting a flurry of acidic bubbles at the foe. 

Lyra looked back just in time to see Serenity carry over Botamon like a football, before treating it like one and throwing it to the ground. Lura was appalled, quickly rushing to scoop up the poor jelly thing as she glared at Serenity. "What's wrong with you?! It's just a baby!" she said angrily, coddling the black blob close to her.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 9:39 am

Takashi was distracted and made this face (-.-)' while looking at girls.. "Aghhh.." shouted poyomon. They were bouth damaged by pepper breath of Agumon.
"Oh no! Zane, Rainbow girl help!" shouted Takashi.
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 8:20 pm

Zane suddenly snapped back into it after spacing out coming back brave and raring to go to help his friends taking action he quickly called to Pururumon

"Quickly Acid Bubbles Now Pururumon Protect The Others!" Pururumon opening it's mouth and firing the attack off in large bursts as they went to Agumon to hit if it did it would begin to corrode Agumon's skin which would cause Excruciating pain.
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 8:26 pm

"Arggg" shouted Agumon "How dare you humans to even declare to fight me!?" added he and threw Poyomon and Conomon at Pururumon.
"Pepper Breath!" shouted Agumon and released fire trying to shoot at destined digimon.
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 8:37 pm

Zane however dashed forth quicker than anyone else can react catching Poyomon and Conomon running to their tamers he placed them down before running back to Pururumon's side who had avoided the Pepper Breath attack with skill. Zane then thrust his arm forwards pointing at Agumon as he called out

"Now Again Pururumon Acid Bubbles on Agumon Go!" Pururumon once again opening it's mouth and sending forth the attack to Agumon.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 8:39 pm

Lyra picked up Conomon and Botamon and ran away to Primary Village. (not dealing with the impatience in this thread)
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 8:46 pm

(so you run off with Botamon? at least edit so you run to Elecmon and wait with Botamon there seen as that was the point of the topic, looking for the missing Botamon and helping it. just saying)
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 8:54 pm

"Ok, botamon will be safe, I hope." said Takashi. "Poyomon lets help pururumon, ok?" added he. "Right!" jumped Poyomon and stood next to Pururumon "Bubble Blow!" shouted poyomon and tried to hit Agumon.

Agumon was hit by bouth of their attacks and started to loose itself. "Arrgggh. Enjoy in your little vicrory while you can destined kids! I will be back! Muahhaha.." laughted Agumon while disappearing.

Takashi's, Zane's and Serenity's Digivice: You gained 15 data points
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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 8:58 pm

(How many data points to digivolve or does it not work like that)

Zane smiled looking to Takashi "We did it man, we save Botamon now let's go see Elecmon" turning with Pururumon who moved to his side quickly climbing onto his shoulder when they began walking to Elecmon's home.
Digi-Official File Island

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The Search For Botamon Empty Re: The Search For Botamon

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