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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 5:33 pm

It had been several Hours since Locke emerged from the portal into this stange new world. Everything around him seemed so much more innocent than in the human world. It had been a while since the mysterious voice who guided him to the portal had spoken. However, Locke felt something, deep within his gut, which told him what to do.

He wandered into a wide open area, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of straw cradles. Within each was a large Egg. Each egg difered in size, but the smallest was around the size of an Ostrich Egg. They each had different patterns, like snowflakes, and no two eggs were the same. Finally, the feeling in his gut pulled Locke towards a Glowing egg, with Blue stripes decortaing it. Without thinking, Locke reached out to touch the egg. After feeling it's smooth surface, which would put silk to shame, he lifted the egg with two arms and held it close to his chest.
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 5:48 pm

Elecmon felt that someone is touching the eggs, so he begun to run and see whats happening. He saw a boy with a glowing digi egg in his arms.
"Hello there, i asume that you are new right? My name is Elecmon and this is Primary vialge. It seems that egg has choosen you to raise it. What is your name?" said he.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 5:54 pm

The voice wasn't familiar, but Locke turned around to see who it came from. Upon seeing Elecmon, he cried out and fell over, dropping the egg back into it's crib. Thankfully, it landed safely.

"W-W-What are you!? he asked with a frightened voice.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 6:10 pm

"Oh be carefull they are very sensitive. I'm a digimon and the guardian of the vilage. You came here because you were destined to save our world.." while Elecmon was talking the egg started to glow even more and more whenn... A baby Punimon hatched.
"Oh my my.. It seems your digimon is ready. Come on take it." said Elecmon.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 6:52 pm

Locke was still suspiscious, but the creature didn't seem to be hostile. He turned to look at the small creature which just hatched. It was a small red creature, with several protrusions jutting out of it's head, which also seemed to be it's body.

He tenderly reached over and lifted the creature up in his hands.
"Puni! Puni!" it cried happily as it bounced up and down in his hands. Having calmed down a bit, Locke spoke up

"What did you say you were?" he asked rudely. The lack of any parents or education, meant that he knew little about the human world and it's customs, such as good manners, or even reading.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 7:17 pm

"Oh, I and and every creature here is called digimon, and we all have our own names. Now you'r goal is to raise your digimon well. Oh and can i ask you for a favour?" said Elecmon
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 7:23 pm

"H-Huh...I don't...Well, what is it then?" asked Locke, once again rather rudely. Punimon had stopped jumping and had turned around to look at Elecmon, then at Locke as the two swapped turns talking.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 7:27 pm

"You see.. the group of tamers were after a missing baby in Native Forest. But they havent returned yet. Im worried. Can you look after them?" begged Elecmon.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 7:38 pm

"Huh? M-Me!?" asked Locke. He wasn't overly keen on the idea of meeting up with other humans. He had only managed to get away from the Human World, which he despised with all his being. Reluctantly, he nodded. After all, Elecmon told him what to do, it was only riht to repay someone for an act of kindness...or of cruelty, as Locke knew all too well.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 7:45 pm

"You will? What a releaf, ok i sent you the adress of Native Forest. Be carefull, there are many dangerous digimon." replied Elecmon and walked off to his little newborn students.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 8:45 pm

Lyra appeared from the bushes, Conomon and the small Botamon in arms. The two Digimon looked a little scuffed up, though Conomon more so than Botamon. The girl ran up, panting to catch her breath as she stopped in front of Elecmon, who was tending to babies. She assumed he was in charge.

"We found the Botamon. The others are back there battling, but Conomon was injured so I grabbed these two and ran to keep them safe," she said before noticing the boy with the eye patch. "Oh...sorry, I didn't see you..." she said, still not even introducing herself to them. "They're back there fighting some dinosaur looking thing. They have it outnumbered at 3 to 1 though."
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 9:01 pm

Locke seized up when Lyra appeared. Even now, in this whole new world, there were humans. He still wasn't able to cope with other people, yet somehow, Strange monsters from another world seemed easier to get along with.Punimon lookd up at his Tamer sadly, as if he could tell what he was thinking. Locke sat as still as a statue while Lyra spoke to Elecmon.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 9:04 pm

"Botamon! You are safe!" said Elecmon ".. may i have it Lyra?" said he and raised his short little arms to take botamon.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 9:10 pm

Lyra froze, staring at Elecmon with panic on her face. "H...how did you know my name?" she stuttered, not recalling ever meeting Elecmon before let alone introducing herself. She closed her eyes, shaking herself to rid her mind of the question. She kneeled down, handing over the Botamon before looking to Conomon in her other arm.

"Wait, what about Koko?! She's hurt!" she said, spiting her words like venom. She felt Conomon shift in her arms, glancing down to the creature.

"It's okay, Lyra...you saved me. I just need rest...now..." Koko said, drifting off as she fell asleep in Lyra's arms. Lyra frowned a bit, but accepted the Digimon's word as she stood back up.
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Wed May 02, 2012 9:12 pm

"Um...If Botamon is safe, then you don't need me to go, right?" asked Locke, attempting to dispell Lyra from his mind for at least a few moments. He began to fidget uncomfortably when she knelt down. At the very least, she didn't seem like the same kind of people Locke used to assosciate with in the Human World.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 9:24 pm

"I just downloaded the information from your digivivce. We guardians can do that. Don't worry about Conomon, she'll be fine, just give her some rest." said Elecmon and then he turned his eyes to Locke. "Yes, thats correct. Since you bouth are here, it would be the best for you to go home and have some rest until other come, ok?" added he.

Last edited by Takashi on Wed May 02, 2012 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 9:34 pm

Lyra looked down to her keychain. Before the vortex appeared it had been nothing more than a child's electronic toy. However, now it was larger and seemed to be important. She assumed that was what Elecmon was referring to when he said "Digivice" so she simply sighed and wandered off to sit under a tree. The ground was soft and bouncy like a play mat for an infant, which made sense with all the baby Digimon wandering around. She held Conomon close to her, hoping she would recover quickly. "Go home, he says...home is a long way off from wherever I am now..." she said, burying her face into her knees, holding Koko to her chest and resting as she waited for something...though she wasn't sure exactly what.
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 9:37 pm

Zane entered having gotten ahead of Takashi "Hey Elecmon me and Takashi are back" he said smiling to him. Zane turned looking to Takashi who was following on behind.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 9:41 pm

"Hey you guys, welcome back. Listen can you gather other here, and i mean on Lyra and Locke. I have something important to tell you gang, and hopely that tamer you saw in the forest will come too. I'll be waiting you on play grounds for 10 minustes, ok?" said Elecmon and went for little digimon.

(Sorry riley for entering like this, but i hope you dont mind lol)
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Markj1998 Wed May 02, 2012 9:48 pm

Zane followed Elecmon to the Play grounds to wait for the group to follow on relaxing on the grass and basking in the sunlight with Pururumon at his side.
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Rileysaura Thu May 03, 2012 7:00 am

Locke followed Elecmon to the playgrounds as well, although at a good distance away from the other two boys.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Lucretia Thu May 03, 2012 5:29 pm

Lyra pulled her head up, watching the strange red Digimon walk away. She felt like he didn't even care! She sighed, standing up carefully with Conomon. She looked down to the resting Digimon with worry on her face still. "Don't worry...I'll just see what this is about, then we're out of here," she whispered, planning to leave at least the boys behind. They were far too high strung for her to be around without the urge to clobber them. So, Lyra followed the others to the playground.
Digi-Official File Island

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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Takashi Thu May 03, 2012 5:53 pm

Elecmon came and saw all of the destined but the rainbow girl didn't came.
"Now that we are all here, i want to officially welcome you to the digital world. You guys have been chosen to save our world from darkness. We have already putted all groups together, and you guys are the last one. You'r goal is to raise your digimon well and defeat the main darkness source. If you do manage to do so, you will be returned home to your world. Now that i have explained to you guys whats it all about, you need name, right? So what shall it be?" asked Elecmon.

Takashi seemed astonished but he snapped out of it and said "Im for it. How about Data Squad, Data Busters or something?"
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Markj1998 Thu May 03, 2012 6:46 pm

Zane grinned "Yeah sounds cool I'm in" he then looked to Takashi "i'm all for the Data Squad" smiling as Pururumon nodded in agreement "So..." Zane said "what's our next job?" eager to get started not cause he wanted to leave and go back to his world but because the main darkness source sounded dangerous therefore he wanted to get it taken down as quickly as they can.
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The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger! Empty Re: The First Day of the Rest of You Life! Find the Mysterious Stranger!

Post by Lucretia Thu May 03, 2012 7:01 pm

Lyra shook her head. "Count me out. I'll do what I can, but groups like this don't suit me," she said as she turned to leave. "Don't worry though, I'm used to being on my own, I'll be fine." With that, Lyra began to walk off toward the forest once more. She figured it was pretty much the only way to go now, after all.
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