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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 9:53 pm

Pafumon had finally managed to poke his head out from inside Serenity's pocket. He looked up, as she walked along the forest floor. "Rainbow, you still haven't adjust, have you?", the small puff ball asked after observing her. She glared down upon the digimon, whom held his ground. "No, I'm perfectly fine! I mean, I fell from the sky and lived. That's cool. I actually want to explore rather than sit around with those guys...", she began to explain to Pafumon, who interruptted her.

"But wouldn't you miss your old friends back from where you came from?", he asked, striking her hard. "I guess so. A price of loyalty is that it hurts to be ripped from the ones you're loyal to.", she finished talking to Paumon. The small digimon sighed. I feel bad for the girl. But she isn't as bad off as I am. All I remember is the power I had in my previous life. That and my connection to her isn't explainable, he thought, the only noise was her trudging through the forest.

Serenity stopped and Pafumon jumped from within her pocket. "What is it Rainbow?", he asked her, as she kept focused. Trees could be heard smashing into each other and finding the ground. A fearsome roar bellowed throughout the forest floor. Serenity was paralysed with fear, only temporarily, until she seen the _____________, and begin to flee from the away, grabbing Pafumon.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 10:03 pm

.. until she seen the Vegimon, and begin to flee from the away, grabbing Pafumon.
"Hahha your data is mine little twerp." laughted Vegimon.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 10:35 pm

Serenity pushed Pafumon into her pocket and zipped it up. "I don't care what you are.", she said as she slowed to a walk. Pafumon managed to get back out, and jumped down. "But you'd better get lost, fast. You aren't even cool looking.", she said as Pafumon launched his attack, Puff Balloon.

Pafumon sucked in air and grew as large as he could, waiting several seconds before sending the air out and floating backwards into Serenity.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Takashi Wed May 02, 2012 10:52 pm

Vegiemon felt the pathetic burst of air, watching as the Pafumon deflated. It chuckled menacingly, seeming to be unfased by Pafumon's display.
"I'm gonna turn you into data cake you hear me?! Compost Bomber!" shouted Vegiemon while launching vile little switls of what could only be fecal matter at Serenity and Pafumon.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 11:26 pm

Serenity was on one hand, smart enough to roll away and into the safety of the bushes from her attacker. She took a deep breath and collected herself and shook her head. Checked for any damage and found nothing. But when she checked for the baby digimon that had been following her around, she couldn't find it. She became wide-eyed and paniced. Her heartbeat was the one ting she could hear, the blood rushing through her body was the only thing she felt as she looked over the bush. She raised her hand gasping. The clouds that became her eyes rained down, covering her mouth.

Pafumon didn't understand why Serenity jumped into the bushes. "Huh..?", he asked, turning to look at her, forgetting about Vegimon. It was then that Pafumon caught onto Vegimon's words and was struck back, slowly being deleted. He spotted Serenity crying in the bushes. "Such a short life, you aren't so strong as you thought, I must've been your friend?", he asked almost in a question, before his data vanished, leaving an egg behind.

Serenity wiped her eyes. She sighed and got up. And then spotted the digi-egg.

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Wed May 02, 2012 11:54 pm

The Vegiemon growled, he had wanted to devour the data to become stronger. "Fine then, scrambled digi-egg it is!" It threatened, quickly picking up the digiegg. "Better luck next time, rainbow child! Hahaha!" Veggiemon laughed with malice as he took off into the distance, running off with the digitama containing Pafumon's data.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 02, 2012 11:59 pm

Serenity was crushed. But she smiled and picked herself up off the ground and climb into the tree. "I'll keep moving... I'll find a way to make you pay Vegimon!", she shouted, standing in the tree, on the branches. She began jumping from branch to branch in each tree to move around. She guessed that it wasn't safe for her to walk on the ground if dangers such as that existed, and she might as well play it safe.

She jumped to the ground after about half an hour, with some progress made. She heard voices, but she couldn't make out what was being said. Unknown to her, a ark figure melded with her shadow as three mischevious digimon, Impmon, Tsukaimon and DemiDevimon. "Who are you and what do you want?", she asked them she shoved her hands in her jacket's pockets, walking away and speaking with little care.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Thu May 03, 2012 2:19 am

"Oh Rainbow child, that Pafumon didn't know what he had!" said Demidevimon, complimenting her.
"No, no! He didn't!" Tsukaimon added.
"We know though, and we know your real potential. We could help you reach it!" Impmon said at last.
"Yes, Rainbow. Pick one of us to be your partner instead! We would suffice much better than that little Pafumon!" Tsukaimon said, trying to turn the destined child.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Thu May 03, 2012 2:24 am

Serenity stopped. Perhaps I can take advantage of these things, she thought, losing herself slightly to the darker shadow she possessed. "Sure.", she said, pointing at Tsukaimon. "You, flying boy, tag along with me and well see what you can do later.", she said, turning around and walking away, unable to hear the cackle the shadow made as it waved a finger for Tsukaimon to follow.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Thu May 03, 2012 2:27 am

Tsukaimon had a rather sinister grin on its face as it left the shadow, flying along beside Rainbow. "I promise to be a good partner!" Tsukaimon said, trying to sound innocent enough about it all.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Thu May 03, 2012 2:49 am

Serenity kept walking. "Well find out. If you aren't I'm sure we could arrange something.", she said, clearly the shadow had most control over the body. She stopped. "Tsukaimon, we must get to the Digi-Egg and destroy it, or take it away.", said a somewhat distorted voice. "Your master demands it. I shall apear and help you when you acquire the egg.", as Serenity continued walking, the influence only appearing in her shadow.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Thu May 03, 2012 2:59 am

Tsukaimon bared his teeth for a moment, understanding the orders well. Quickly, he put on his innocent face as he floated up to Rainbow. "Umm, Rainbow? There's one thing that I need in order to be your partner...you see, that digitama that Veggiemon ran off with...I need the data stored inside it in order to synchronize with your digivice! It's really simple, and will even make me stronger!" The Tsukaimon lied, trying to find any way to get Rainbow to help him get the egg back. "So, let's go kick some Veggiemon butt, what do you say?"
Digi-Official File Island

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Fri May 04, 2012 1:15 am

Rainbow Dash turned around and glared at Tsukaimon. "We'll be doing what I say. It's my egg. If we find it I'm taking it and using it like I'm using you.", she said, her shadow doing nothing in response. "Don't mistake your place now, you hear?", she asked Tsukaimon.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Fri May 04, 2012 4:49 am

Tsukaimon grit his teeth, holding back a snarl. He had to play nice with this girl until he got what he needed. He smiled brightly like a Patamon would, "Sure thing, boss!" he said eagerly. Inside he died a little though, acting so good was already making him queasy.

Before they knew it, footsteps could be heard trudging along behind them. It was Lyra, who Rainbow had met though lacked formal introduction of before. She was walking along, her Conomon in arm sleeping. The young Digimon was resting after the battle she'd had. Baby Digimon were just not made to fight, not even having half the fire power of an In-Training level. Lyra sighed, pausing a little off to the side of where Rainbow and Tsukaimon were. "Koko, I'm sorry I put you in danger," she whispered, holding her partner close. She had a true bond with the creature that was seemingly unbreakable.

Tsukaimon saw the destined child, snarling a bit as he spoke quietly to the shadows... "Another destined child...what now, boss?" he asked, quiet enough to avoid Rainbow from really overhearing.
Digi-Official File Island

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Fri May 04, 2012 7:25 pm

"You'll have to be convincing enough that you're helping this girl rescue her intended partner.", the voice said, not taking any form in the shadow, clearly revealing a flaw that it could only disguise itself from those it possessed. Serenity stopped. She then turned around after stomping her foot. Seeing Lyra, she didn't really recognize her at first, but later released she had seen the girl before.

"Hey, I've seen you before.", was all Serenity had said, before turning around and continuing to walk. "I'm in a hurry so if you're going to tag along you'd be smart to keep up.", she stated, sounding even more impatient.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Sun May 06, 2012 4:18 am

Tsukaimon silently nodded when he followed Rainbow's eyes to the girl. Lyra halted, blinking a couple times at the Rainbow girl's words. She felt Koko shift in her arms, and glanced down to see her waking up. "Are you feeling better, then?" Lyra asked the small creature, being met with a smile from it. However, when Koko went to open her mouth to speak, she was instead met with a bright light.

A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Digivolution-Digimon

"Conomon Digivolve to..." the small creature called as data collected around her, forming a new body. She became jelly like with little ears, losing her tail but retaining her horns. "Kokomon!" she called, the light fading to reveal the new form.

"K-koko?" Lyra asked, looking at the new creature in her arms. "Is that you?" she asked, very confused.

"Mhm, sure is!" Koko replied, smiling up at Lyra. "I just Digivolved is all! Now I'm a little stronger, and can protect you better!" she said happily.

"Stronger..." Lyra repeated, eyes glazing over just a bit as she stared at the creature. "I hope so, I couldn't bare to see you get hurt like before again," she said, hugging Koko close.

"L-Lyra! If we don't hurry we'll lose them!" Koko muffled. "Lyra, you're smothering me!"

"Oh...sorry," Lyra said, releasing her tight grip before looking up. She saw the girl and the strange new Digimon leaving. "Maybe her Digimon Digivolved too...?" she whispered, wondering aloud. Feeling a nudge in her torso, she looked down at Koko, then remembered. "Oh right!" she said loudly, rushing to catch up to Rainbow and Tsukaimon. Koko saw the Tsukaimon, and glared a bit, very suspicious to see him with Rainbow, but not Pafumon.
Digi-Official File Island

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Mon May 07, 2012 2:38 am

Serenity sighed a bit. I wonder where that egg hs gotton too then, se thought as her fist clenched tightly. "I'm glad to know we can travel together, something just hasn't been right since I was attacked be a Vegiemon.", she stated.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Wed May 09, 2012 8:53 pm

Lyra was already beginning to become irked by this girl. "What exactly do you mean...?" she asked, looking at Tsukaimon. The more she looked at him, the more she got a bad vibe from him.
Digi-Official File Island

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rileysaura Sat May 12, 2012 9:54 am

It had been some time since Locke had wandered off by himself. He didn't care to spend much time with humans. He had finally gotten away from all the humans who tortuered him before, and was not too keen on staying around more.

Punimon, who was riding on his partner's shoulder, was sudden;y distracted by the bright light given off by Kokomon's evolution, and went hopping off after the two girls
"H-Hey! Punimon!" called locke "Wait!" he called as he ran after it.

Punimon jumped out of the bushes just ahead of the two girls, shortly followed by Locke, who froze in his tracks upon seeing the two girls.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Sun May 13, 2012 9:01 pm

Serenity stopped. "Well, I was attacked by a digimon who took my digimon away. Tsukaimon offered his assistance and I accepted.", the girl said before taking notice of the Punimon. "Hey, another digimon and... a boy?", she asked with sarcasm.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Mon May 14, 2012 6:14 pm

Lyra blinked, looking between Tsukaimon and Rainbow for a minute. "So this isn't..." she started, remembering the Agumon attack. Maybe not all wild Digimon are bad... she told herself, though still not comfortable with Tsukaimon. It was clear that Kokomon shared the sentiment, glaring at the flying thing before her attention was drawn to the small red Punimon.

"Another one?!" Lyra shouted, stepping back before seeing the boy follow the creature out. "Oh...it's you," she said, relaxing again. She recognized the boy from earlier, he must have left the others shortly after she had.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rileysaura Thu May 17, 2012 6:11 pm

"Y-Yeah..." muttered Locke, afraid of speaking to other humans just yet, but was wise enough to try and be polite by answering her. Even with his limited knowledge, he knew that much.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Lucretia Sun May 27, 2012 3:18 am

Lyra turned around, just in time to see the Rainbow girl disappear with the Tsukaimon. She frowned a bit, she didn't know what to think of the little black flying thing. "Oh well..." she muttered. She did better in smaller crowds, anyway. She turned back to Locke then, Kokomon hopping over to him and Punimon.

"Maybe we should travel with these ones instead," the small digimon suggested. It was clear that she didn't trust Tsukaimon's intentions, either. "Though...what's that funny black thing?" Kokomon asked. She might act more mature than Lyra, but it didn't mean she knew everything.

Lyra blushed hard, embarrassed at her partner's lack of restraint. She quickly scooped up the jelly Digimon, covering her mouth. "I'm...umm...sorry for Koko...she's too curious for her own good sometimes..." Lyra muttered quietly. She wasn't exactly a social blossom herself.
Digi-Official File Island

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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rileysaura Sun May 27, 2012 9:39 am

"Um...I don't...I-It doesn't matter..." muttered Locke, his nerves gtting the better of him. He knew that this girl may not be like the other humans he's met, but he was still skeptical abbout her.

"Wh...What's your name?" he asked rudely. It was common courtesy to give your own name first.
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

Post by Rainbow Dash Wed May 30, 2012 3:23 am

(Sorry to temporarlily intrude on my own topic, but why the hell can't I access PWRPG anymore from my laptop? Did someone ban me?)
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky Empty Re: A Rainbow That Fell From The Sky

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